Obsidean_VM/04-InLavoro/26 - 9.3944 Orientatore L20.../9.3944 Orientatore L20-TLO2...

735 B

  • New pilz security K15510

  • 2 x Door Switch

  • 2 secrity Kontactor KA16050 - KA16060

  • new STO goes from KA16010/KA16020 and new KA16050/KA16060 ( start from 161.5 - 161.6 )

  • new group EMD valve

    • Y1-M100
  • 80 ppm max speed

Line (Black) motors on the line:

!Pasted image 20240628134455.png

Inverter Quadro 4 Inverter Pot !Pasted image 20240702150339.png

A 100 va a 70 bot/min

cada botella son 260mm

A 100 son 303 mm/sec 70 bot/min

a 80 bot/min => 346

SEW Motor for the Bottle Turner:

!Pasted image 20240709110318.png

The other motors runs at 34m/min at 50hz

The acceleration is changed via profibus.

!Pasted image 20240710142238.png

It changes this parameters. unit / min*s