Obsidean_VM/04-InLavoro/9..... MASTER Transport/Standard Transport/GetPut FB3021 - FB ComPutGe...

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On the Properties of the PLC must be selected this: !Pasted image 20231215151516.png

!Pasted image 20231116140005.png

!Pasted image 20231116141126.png

To create the S7 connection can be used the GET instruction to setup the ID and the related info. The after the creation can be deleted. The important info is the ID. The connection to the PLC must be Offline to run this configurator.

!Pasted image 20231116135755.png

After creating the connection info, automatically set the connection on the Network setup of the Hardware info:

!Pasted image 20231116135700.png

  • GET_DB_Remote: Remote DB from other PLC (remote) where to read
  • GET_DB_Inputs: Local DB where to write the remote data
  • PUT_DB_Outputs: Local DB from where to read data to put on the Remote
  • PUT_DB_Remote: Remote DB where must be write the data
  • RemoteLifeBit_Allarm: Allarm timed (5s) if the life bit is not live
  • PUT_GET_ID: The ID word from the automatic setup on the Network/connections
  • UpdateTime_ms: Refresh time to request/send data.