Obsidean_VM/04-InLavoro/HENKEL/93040 - HENKEL - BowlingGreen/TL26-L42/TL26 - L42 - Line Trial for...

887 B

  • Sam asked to disable the separators M153-M154, because they do not use anymore and there were replaced with normal guides. So I took out this motor from the logic of the software. This included also the 2 motors for the format change that also were removed GW2-P1-B1-A1/A2.
  • The merger belts position were changed from +3 to 0 on both channels.

!Pasted image 20240814154031.png Merger belts offset change.

!Pasted image 20240813095624.png A1 and A2 removed. !Pasted image 20240814161317.png

Trial finished without any other big problem. Was very fast. The only issue that couldn't be adjusted before finishing the bottles was that at the ETS exit sometimes the bottles accumulate to the BT. This can be resolved by changing the timer on the BT or going faster at the Merger. But it must be done with more continued production to see the best setup.