Creacion de la opcion EsFreno para los transportes

This commit is contained in:
Miguel 2024-05-26 11:50:25 +02:00
parent 288635b9bf
commit c66be28764
6 changed files with 203 additions and 139 deletions

View File

@ -1,12 +1,19 @@
<UserControl x:Class="CtrEditor.ObjetosSim.ucBotella"
<convert:MeterToPixelConverter x:Key="MeterToPixelConverter"/>
<Ellipse Height="{Binding Diametro, Converter={StaticResource MeterToPixelConverter}}"
Stroke="red" Fill="Gray"
Width="{Binding Diametro, Converter={StaticResource MeterToPixelConverter}}"/>
Stroke="{Binding ColorButton_oculto}" Fill="Gray"
Width="{Binding Diametro, Converter={StaticResource MeterToPixelConverter}}" StrokeThickness="0.5"/>

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ using CtrEditor.Siemens;
using CtrEditor.Simulacion;
using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.ComponentModel;
using nkast.Aether.Physics2D.Common;
using System.Windows.Media;
namespace CtrEditor.ObjetosSim
@ -31,6 +32,9 @@ namespace CtrEditor.ObjetosSim
set => SetProperty(ref nombre, value);
private Brush colorButton_oculto;
private float diametro;
@ -64,7 +68,7 @@ namespace CtrEditor.ObjetosSim
if (SimGeometria != null)
@ -73,30 +77,38 @@ namespace CtrEditor.ObjetosSim
Diametro = 0.10f;
Mass = 1;
ColorButton_oculto = Brushes.Gray;
public void UpdateAfterMove()
public override void UpdateGeometryStart()
// Se llama antes de la simulacion
public override void SimulationStop()
// Se llama al detener la simulacion. Util para detener Storyboards
public override void UpdateGeometryStep()
// Se llama antes de la simulacion
public override void UpdatePLC(PLCModel plc, int elapsedMilliseconds) { }
public override void UpdateControl(int elapsedMilliseconds)
if (SimGeometria.isRestricted)
ColorButton_oculto = Brushes.Yellow;
if (SimGeometria.isOnTransports > 0)
ColorButton_oculto = Brushes.Red;
ColorButton_oculto = Brushes.Gray;
if (SimGeometria.Descartar) // Ha sido marcada para remover
RemoverDesdeSimulacion = true;
@ -143,6 +155,8 @@ namespace CtrEditor.ObjetosSim
Datos.Left = PixelToMeter.Instance.calc.PixelsToMeters(LeftPixels);
Datos.Top = PixelToMeter.Instance.calc.PixelsToMeters(TopPixels);
if (Datos is osBotella botella)
public void Rotate(float Angle) { }

View File

@ -57,6 +57,15 @@ namespace CtrEditor.ObjetosSim
public bool esFreno;
partial void OnEsFrenoChanged(bool value)
if (SimGeometria != null)
SimGeometria.isBrake = value;
public float angulo;
@ -82,6 +91,7 @@ namespace CtrEditor.ObjetosSim
SimGeometria.DistanceGuide2Guide = Alto;
SimGeometria.Speed = VelocidadActual;
SimGeometria.isBrake = esFreno;

View File

@ -107,25 +107,40 @@ namespace CtrEditor.ObjetosSim
protected PLCModel? _plc = null;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="elapsedMilliseconds"></param>
public virtual void UpdateControl(int elapsedMilliseconds) { }
public virtual void UpdateGeometryStart()
// Se llama antes de la simulacion
/// <summary>
/// Se llama antes de la simulacion
/// </summary>
public virtual void UpdateGeometryStart() { }
public virtual void SimulationStop() { }
public virtual void UpdateGeometryStep() { }
/// <summary>
/// Es llamada en cada Tick del reloj establecido del PLC
/// cuando la conexion con el PLC esta establecida
/// </summary>
/// <param name="plc"></param>
/// <param name="elapsedMilliseconds"></param>
public virtual void UpdatePLC(PLCModel plc, int elapsedMilliseconds) { }
/// <summary>
/// El UserControl ya se ha cargado y podemos obtener las coordenadas para
/// crear el objeto de simulacion
/// </summary>
public virtual void ucLoaded()
// El UserControl ya se ha cargado y podemos obtener las coordenadas para
// crear el objeto de simulacion
public virtual void ucUnLoaded()
// El UserControl se esta eliminando
// eliminar el objeto de simulacion
/// <summary>
/// El UserControl se esta eliminando
/// eliminar el objeto de simulacion
/// </summary>
public virtual void ucUnLoaded() { }
public MainViewModel _mainViewModel;

View File

@ -13,6 +13,10 @@ using nkast.Aether.Physics2D;
using nkast.Aether.Physics2D.Dynamics;
using nkast.Aether.Physics2D.Common;
using nkast.Aether.Physics2D.Collision.Shapes;
using nkast.Aether.Physics2D.Dynamics.Contacts;
using nkast.Aether.Physics2D.Collision;
using Transform = nkast.Aether.Physics2D.Common.Transform;
using nkast.Aether.Physics2D.Dynamics.Joints;
namespace CtrEditor.Simulacion
@ -23,7 +27,7 @@ namespace CtrEditor.Simulacion
public void RemoverBody()
if (Body != null)
if (Body != null && _world.BodyList.Count>0)
@ -45,10 +49,12 @@ namespace CtrEditor.Simulacion
private float _startAngle;
private float _endAngle;
public float Speed { get; set; } // Velocidad para efectos de cinta transportadora
private List<Action> _deferredActions;
public simCurve(World world, float innerRadius, float outerRadius, float startAngle, float endAngle, Vector2 position)
public simCurve(World world, List<Action> deferredActions, float innerRadius, float outerRadius, float startAngle, float endAngle, Vector2 position)
_world = world;
_deferredActions = deferredActions;
_innerRadius = innerRadius;
_outerRadius = outerRadius;
_startAngle = Microsoft.Xna.Framework.MathHelper.ToRadians(startAngle);
@ -138,10 +144,12 @@ namespace CtrEditor.Simulacion
public class simDescarte : simBase
private float _radius;
private List<Action> _deferredActions;
public simDescarte(World world, float diameter, Vector2 position)
public simDescarte(World world, List<Action> deferredActions, float diameter, Vector2 position)
_world = world;
_deferredActions = deferredActions;
_radius = diameter / 2;
@ -168,11 +176,14 @@ namespace CtrEditor.Simulacion
public float Speed { get; set; } // Velocidad para efectos de cinta transportadora
public float DistanceGuide2Guide { get; set; }
public bool isBrake { get; set; }
public bool TransportWithGuides = false;
private List<Action> _deferredActions;
public simTransporte(World world, float width, float height, Vector2 position, float angle = 0)
public simTransporte(World world, List<Action> deferredActions, float width, float height, Vector2 position, float angle = 0)
_world = world;
_deferredActions = deferredActions;
Create(width, height, position, angle);
@ -213,10 +224,12 @@ namespace CtrEditor.Simulacion
public class simBarrera : simBase
public bool LuzCortada = false;
private List<Action> _deferredActions;
public simBarrera(World world, float width, float height, Vector2 position, float angle = 0)
public simBarrera(World world, List<Action> deferredActions, float width, float height, Vector2 position, float angle = 0)
_world = world;
_deferredActions = deferredActions;
Create(width, height, position, angle);
@ -253,9 +266,11 @@ namespace CtrEditor.Simulacion
public class simGuia : simBase
public simGuia(World world, Vector2 start, Vector2 end)
private List<Action> _deferredActions;
public simGuia(World world, List<Action> deferredActions, Vector2 start, Vector2 end)
_world = world;
_deferredActions = deferredActions;
Create(start, end);
@ -279,11 +294,25 @@ namespace CtrEditor.Simulacion
private float _mass;
public bool Descartar = false;
public simBotella(World world, float diameter, Vector2 position, float mass)
public int isOnTransports;
public bool isRestricted;
public bool isNoMoreRestricted;
public float OriginalMass;
public simTransporte ConveyorRestrictedTo;
public Fixture axisRestrictedBy;
public Vector2 Speed;
PrismaticJoint _activeJoint;
private List<Action> _deferredActions;
public simBotella(World world, List<Action> deferredActions, float diameter, Vector2 position, float mass)
_world = world;
_deferredActions = deferredActions;
_radius = diameter / 2;
_mass = mass;
_activeJoint = null;
@ -318,23 +347,26 @@ namespace CtrEditor.Simulacion
private void Create(Vector2 position)
Body = _world.CreateCircle( _radius, 0.2f, position);
isOnTransports = 0;
_activeJoint = null;
Body = _world.CreateCircle( _radius, 1f, position);
Body.BodyType = BodyType.Dynamic;
// Restablecer manejador de eventos de colisión
Body.OnCollision += HandleCollision;
//Body.OnSeparation += HandleOnSeparation;
Body.OnSeparation += HandleOnSeparation;
Body.Tag = this; // Importante para la identificación durante la colisión
// Configurar la fricción
// Configurar amortiguamiento
Body.LinearDamping = 0.4f; // Ajustar para controlar la reducción de la velocidad lineal
Body.AngularDamping = 0.4f; // Ajustar para controlar la reducción de la velocidad angular
Body.SetRestitution(0.2f); // Baja restitución para menos rebote
Body.LinearDamping = 4f; // Ajustar para controlar la reducción de la velocidad lineal
Body.AngularDamping = 1f; // Ajustar para controlar la reducción de la velocidad angular
Body.SetRestitution(0.3f); // Baja restitución para menos rebote
Body.SleepingAllowed = false;
Body.IsBullet = true;
@ -349,7 +381,7 @@ namespace CtrEditor.Simulacion
Mass = mass;
private bool HandleCollision(Fixture fixtureA, Fixture fixtureB, nkast.Aether.Physics2D.Dynamics.Contacts.Contact contact)
private bool HandleCollision(Fixture fixtureA, Fixture fixtureB, Contact contact)
if (fixtureB.Body.Tag is simBarrera Sensor)
@ -370,60 +402,76 @@ namespace CtrEditor.Simulacion
simTransporte conveyor = fixtureB.Body.Tag as simTransporte;
isOnTransports += 1;
if (conveyor.Speed != 0)
CircleShape circleShape = fixtureA.Shape as CircleShape;
PolygonShape polygonShape = fixtureB.Shape as PolygonShape;
// Obtener centro y radio del círculo
Vector2 centroCirculo = fixtureA.Body.Position;
float radio = circleShape.Radius;
// Obtener los vértices del polígono (rectángulo)
Vector2[] vertices = new Vector2[polygonShape.Vertices.Count];
float cos = (float)Math.Cos(fixtureB.Body.Rotation);
float sin = (float)Math.Sin(fixtureB.Body.Rotation);
for (int i = 0; i < polygonShape.Vertices.Count; i++)
// Aplicar el efecto del transportador usando el porcentaje calculado
if (conveyor.TransportWithGuides && conveyor.isBrake)
Vector2 vertex = polygonShape.Vertices[i];
float rotatedX = vertex.X * cos - vertex.Y * sin + fixtureB.Body.Position.X;
float rotatedY = vertex.X * sin + vertex.Y * cos + fixtureB.Body.Position.Y;
vertices[i] = new Vector2(rotatedX, rotatedY);
ConveyorRestrictedTo = conveyor;
axisRestrictedBy = fixtureB;
OriginalMass = Body.Mass;
isRestricted = true;
isNoMoreRestricted = false;
// Calcular el porcentaje de la superficie compartida
float porcentajeCompartido = InterseccionCirculoRectanguloAether.CalcularSuperficieCompartida(vertices, centroCirculo, radio);
// Aplicar el efecto del transportador usando el porcentaje calculado
//if (conveyor.TransportWithGuides)
// if (conveyor.DistanceGuide2Guide <= radio * 2)
// CenterFixtureOnConveyor(fixtureA, conveyor);
ApplyConveyorEffect(conveyor, fixtureA, porcentajeCompartido);
ApplyConveyorEffect(conveyor, fixtureA, 1);
return true; // No aplicar respuestas físicas
return true; // No aplicar respuestas físicas
public static bool IntersectAABBs(ref AABB aabbA, ref AABB aabbB, out AABB overlap)
overlap = new AABB();
float minX = Math.Max(aabbA.LowerBound.X, aabbB.LowerBound.X);
float minY = Math.Max(aabbA.LowerBound.Y, aabbB.LowerBound.Y);
float maxX = Math.Min(aabbA.UpperBound.X, aabbB.UpperBound.X);
float maxY = Math.Min(aabbA.UpperBound.Y, aabbB.UpperBound.Y);
if (minX < maxX && minY < maxY)
overlap.LowerBound = new Vector2(minX, minY);
overlap.UpperBound = new Vector2(maxX, maxY);
return true;
return false;
private void HandleOnSeparation(Fixture sender, Fixture fixtureB, Contact contact)
if (isOnTransports>0 && fixtureB.Body.Tag is simTransporte)
isOnTransports -= 1;
if (isRestricted && fixtureB == axisRestrictedBy)
isRestricted = false;
isNoMoreRestricted = true;
private void ApplyConveyorEffect(simTransporte conveyor, Fixture circleFixture, float porcentajeCompartido)
float speedMetersPerSecond = conveyor.Speed / 60.0f;
Vector2 desiredVelocity = new Vector2((float)Math.Cos(conveyor.Body.Rotation), (float)Math.Sin(conveyor.Body.Rotation)) * speedMetersPerSecond;
circleFixture.Body.LinearVelocity += desiredVelocity * porcentajeCompartido;
// circleFixture.Body.ApplyForce(desiredVelocity * porcentajeCompartido);
Speed = desiredVelocity;
private void CenterFixtureOnConveyor(Fixture fixtureA, simTransporte conveyor)
public void CenterFixtureOnConveyor()
if (!isRestricted || ConveyorRestrictedTo == null)
// Obtener el centro del conveyor
Vector2 conveyorCenter = conveyor.Body.Position;
Vector2 conveyorCenter = ConveyorRestrictedTo.Body.Position;
// Calcular el vector de la línea horizontal centrada de conveyor
float halfDistance = conveyor.DistanceGuide2Guide / 2;
float cos = (float)Math.Cos(conveyor.Body.Rotation);
float sin = (float)Math.Sin(conveyor.Body.Rotation);
float halfDistance = ConveyorRestrictedTo.DistanceGuide2Guide / 2;
float cos = (float)Math.Cos(ConveyorRestrictedTo.Body.Rotation);
float sin = (float)Math.Sin(ConveyorRestrictedTo.Body.Rotation);
Vector2 offset = new Vector2(halfDistance * cos, halfDistance * sin);
@ -432,11 +480,11 @@ namespace CtrEditor.Simulacion
Vector2 lineEnd = conveyorCenter + offset;
// Proyectar el centro de fixtureA sobre la línea horizontal
Vector2 fixtureCenter = fixtureA.Body.Position;
Vector2 fixtureCenter = Body.Position;
Vector2 closestPoint = ProjectPointOntoLine(fixtureCenter, lineStart, lineEnd);
// Mover fixtureA al punto más cercano en la línea horizontal
fixtureA.Body.Position = closestPoint;
Body.Position = closestPoint;
private Vector2 ProjectPointOntoLine(Vector2 point, Vector2 lineStart, Vector2 lineEnd)
@ -456,6 +504,7 @@ namespace CtrEditor.Simulacion
private World world;
private Canvas simulationCanvas;
public List<simBase> Cuerpos;
public List<Action> _deferredActions;
private Stopwatch stopwatch;
private double stopwatch_last;
@ -466,6 +515,7 @@ namespace CtrEditor.Simulacion
world = new World(new Vector2(0, 0)); // Vector2.Zero
Cuerpos = new List<simBase>();
_deferredActions = new List<Action>();
stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
@ -477,6 +527,8 @@ namespace CtrEditor.Simulacion
if (Cuerpos.Count > 0)
// ******************************************************************************************************************************************
// ******************************************************************************************************************************************
public void Step()
@ -486,6 +538,33 @@ namespace CtrEditor.Simulacion
// Pasar el tiempo transcurrido al método Step
world.Step(elapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0f);
foreach (var cuerpo in Cuerpos)
if (cuerpo is simBotella botella)
if (botella.isOnTransports > 0)
botella.Body.LinearVelocity = botella.Speed;
if (botella.isRestricted)
botella.Body.Inertia = 0;
botella.Body.Mass = 20;
} else if (botella.isNoMoreRestricted)
botella.isNoMoreRestricted = false;
botella.Body.Mass = botella.OriginalMass;
// Procesa las acciones diferidas
foreach (var action in _deferredActions)
public void Remove(simBase Objeto)
@ -499,42 +578,42 @@ namespace CtrEditor.Simulacion
public simCurve AddCurve(float innerRadius, float outerRadius, float startAngle, float endAngle, Vector2 position)
simCurve curva = new simCurve(world, innerRadius, outerRadius, startAngle, endAngle, position);
simCurve curva = new simCurve(world, _deferredActions, innerRadius, outerRadius, startAngle, endAngle, position);
return curva;
public simBotella AddCircle(float diameter, Vector2 position, float mass)
simBotella circle = new simBotella(world, diameter, position, mass);
simBotella circle = new simBotella(world, _deferredActions, diameter, position, mass);
return circle;
public simTransporte AddRectangle(float width, float height, Vector2 position, float angle)
simTransporte rectangle = new simTransporte(world, width, height, position, angle);
simTransporte rectangle = new simTransporte(world, _deferredActions, width, height, position, angle);
return rectangle;
public simBarrera AddBarrera(float width, float height, Vector2 position, float angle)
simBarrera rectangle = new simBarrera(world, width, height, position, angle);
simBarrera rectangle = new simBarrera(world, _deferredActions, width, height, position, angle);
return rectangle;
public simGuia AddLine(Vector2 start, Vector2 end)
simGuia line = new simGuia(world, start, end);
simGuia line = new simGuia(world, _deferredActions, start, end);
return line;
public simDescarte AddDescarte(float diameter, Vector2 position)
simDescarte descarte = new simDescarte(world, diameter, position);
simDescarte descarte = new simDescarte(world, _deferredActions, diameter, position);
return descarte;

View File

@ -68,67 +68,6 @@ namespace CtrEditor.Simulacion
internal class InterseccionCirculoRectanguloAether
// Definición de la función CalcularSuperficieCompartida
public static float CalcularSuperficieCompartida(nkast.Aether.Physics2D.Common.Vector2[] vertices, nkast.Aether.Physics2D.Common.Vector2 center, float r)
float totalCircleArea = (float)Math.PI * r * r;
// Distancia a líneas ajustado
float[] distances = new float[4];
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
distances[i] = DistanceFromLine(center, vertices[i], vertices[(i + 1) % 4]);
float minDistance = float.MaxValue;
foreach (var dist in distances)
if (Math.Abs(dist) < Math.Abs(minDistance))
minDistance = dist;
float d = Math.Abs(minDistance);
float sharedArea = 0;
if (Array.TrueForAll(distances, dist => Math.Abs(dist) > r))
sharedArea = totalCircleArea;
else if (d < r)
float cosTheta = Math.Min(1, d / r);
float sinTheta = (float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Max(0, r * r - d * d));
if (minDistance < 0) // El centro está dentro del rectángulo
float areaOutside = r * r * (float)Math.Acos(cosTheta) - d * sinTheta;
sharedArea = totalCircleArea - areaOutside;
else // El centro está fuera del rectángulo
sharedArea = r * r * (float)Math.Acos(cosTheta) - d * sinTheta;
sharedArea = 0;
return sharedArea / totalCircleArea;
public static float DistanceFromLine(nkast.Aether.Physics2D.Common.Vector2 point, nkast.Aether.Physics2D.Common.Vector2 start, nkast.Aether.Physics2D.Common.Vector2 end)
float A = end.Y - start.Y;
float B = start.X - end.X;
float C = end.X * start.Y - start.X * end.Y;
float distance = (A * point.X + B * point.Y + C) / (float)Math.Sqrt(A * A + B * B);
return distance;