Obsidean_VM/01-Documentation/Inverters/Siemens/Setup New Siemens G120C Mot...

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#siemens #g120c

If it is needed to move the motor manually bypassing the STO can be done using the Control Panel in online mode:

!Pasted image 20240402161401.png

Also to save the changes can be done:

!Pasted image 20240402161457.png

The Comissioning can be made online or offline. But is better online. Tha safety anyway must be done online.












For feedback control with Switch connected to the inverter:

!Pasted image 20240701151028.png

  • p2051[2] : => r722


!13_Parametri_2_stop di prova.png

!14_Parametri_3_stop di prova 9000h.png

  • Salva in ROM

!15_Parametri_4_salva in rom si.png

Clear messages:

!16_Debug errori_eliminare errori su cronologia errori premendo il foglio con la x.png

Enable STO Safety: called basic functions

!Pasted image 20240402161600.png

Start Safety Integrated Comisioning:

!Pasted image 20240605181612.png

Digitare 0:

!Pasted image 20240605181628.png

!Pasted image 20240605181719.png

!Pasted image 20240911115023.png

End comissioning:

!Pasted image 20240605181745.png

Save on EEPROM

!Pasted image 20240605181513.png

Activate auto learn parameters Video:

!Autotune G120C.mkv


  1. Online
  2. Parameters
  3. -> Parameter View (Select Comisioning)
  4. p10 => [1]
  5. p1900 => [2]
  6. p3900 => [3]
  7. p1900 => [0]

!Pasted image 20240703102247.png