35 lines
1.3 KiB
35 lines
1.3 KiB
The sofware to setup the GSD for the gateway is here: [Micromeccanica](file:///C:%5CTrabajo%5CManuales%5CMicromeccanica)
### GSD generator:
[HMS PROFINET GSD Generator Tool.exe](file:///C:%5CProgram%20Files%20(x86)%5CHMS%5CPROFINET%20GSD%20Generator%20Tool%5CHMS%20PROFINET%20GSD%20Generator%20Tool.exe)
The GSD generator must be used connected to the gateway and must have set the correct number of box on the P1 and on the P2 ports.
This GSD then must be imported on the Tia project.
### Line setup:
![[Pasted image 20240715132835.png]]
* First setup the Line data.
### Set the boxes:
![[Pasted image 20240715135308.png]]
* Here it is possibile to set all the connection on every box.
* Every time you ==disconnect one connection here it is taken out form the zone that was previously connected==
### Zone setup:
![[Pasted image 20240715135803.png]]
* Set the number of motor in each area
* The type of setup:
* Laterally
* From the center
* After set the boxes setup it is allowed to indicate that this motors are available to the zones.
* To set the new motor to the zone it must be blinking in blue and are `P0-B0-A0`
![[Pasted image 20240715135955.png]]
* On this page can be assinged from any motor that was not previously assigned.
* In the case that the motor was wrongly assigned, must be disabled the port on the box setup and re-eabled. |