4.1 KiB
For setup the WinCC Tia Portal:
RFID LOGON: - RF1060R and Option+
Enable OPC-Server on the HMI:
Copy the tags
from the example project -
Copy the Scripts:
Copy the Text field 3 on Layer_12 on the Template to have the message for the User Logged:
Creating all user on the HMI Panel:
We must to delete all users except the Superuser. The Superuser must have a new password and this user it will be used for seting up all the operators on the HMI Panel. Then all the UID can be read with the AccessControlDemo and the UID without the 0x will be the password to be used for every user/card.
Creating users on the Tia Portal
Using the DEMO software AccessControlDemo and inverting the UID
The UID can be read and then on the user admin of the Tia Portal can be created all the necessary's users with the password replaced by the UID
The documentation of reference is: 3.7 from SimaticHMIOptionPlus : https://1drv.ms/b/s!Ap46vAtZDpwSiro8IljITp1twd6WEw?e=UReKIQ
- Enable GMP
Audit report
- Every tag that need to be tracked
- Must be added one item on the Historical data
- Select where to save the data and the type of file
Storage location
- Storage location
You can choose between:
- RDB file
- a CSV file (ASCII)
- a TXT file (Unicode)
- Path Depending on the HMI device, enter the storage location of the Audit Trail under "Path".
- Minimum space in MB Specify the size of remaining storage space that triggers the "Little available memory" event.
Inspector window settings
You can set the following parameters under "Audit trail > Properties > Properties > Settings":
Logging activation
Enable logging at runtime start Forcing
Bypass electronic signature Specifies whether the administrator is permitted to run operator actions without entering an electronic signature or comments.
Forcing allowed if storage space is exhausted This function allows the administrator to interrupt audit trail logging in the following scenarios:
- There is no free storage space available.
- The storage medium is missing.
- Access to required storage medium is not possible.
You can thus prevent the process from stopping. After Forcing was carried out, the audit trail log switches off. After the end of "Forcing", the audit trail must be restarted with the system function "StartLogging".
The Scripts:
Sub PMLOGON_UID_Changed()
Dim Panel_LogonUid_Value
Panel_LogonUid_Value = SmartTags("Panel_LogonUid")
' Card not available
If Panel_LogonUid_Value = "-1" Then
SmartTags("StatusRFID") = 0
' Card available
Dim Password
Password = Panel_LogonUid_Value
Logon Password, "UserName"
SmartTags("StatusRFID") = 1
GetUserName "CurrentUser"
' User does not exist
Dim s_user
Dim lenght
s_user = SmartTags("CurrentUser")
lenght = Len(s_user)
If lenght < 1 Then
SmartTags("StatusRFID") = 2
ActivateScreen "901- Utenti",901
SmartTags("PopUpLogon") = 5
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub UpdatePopUp()
If SmartTags("PopUpLogon") > 0 Then
SmartTags("PopUpLogon") = SmartTags("PopUpLogon") - 1
End If
End Sub
SmartTags("PopUpLogon") = 5
this set the second that the message of user logged is active