1.4 KiB
1.4 KiB
This gateways from #Malisko Reads and write from Henkel PLC to the Q1s PLCs
This communication is made using:
This area of E and A
Then on the FC 7 / 26 "FC COM Data - QE1 from/to Henkel L23 / L24" the array is read and converted to an struct that can be used more easily in the DB ComHenkel_D
FOR #i := 0 TO 49 DO
#atFromHenkel[#i] := "FromHenkel".di[#i];
0, 10, 20, 35..40, 44..49:
#diAppo.%B3 := #atFromHenkel[#i].%B2;
#diAppo.%B2 := #atFromHenkel[#i].%B3;
#diAppo.%B1 := #atFromHenkel[#i].%B0;
#diAppo.%B0 := #atFromHenkel[#i].%B1;
#atFromHenkel[#i] := #diAppo;
#diAppo.%W0 := #atFromHenkel[#i].%W1;
#diAppo.%W1 := #atFromHenkel[#i].%W0;
#atFromHenkel[#i] := #diAppo;
swaps bytes and words.
For transforming the data the same memory is overlaid in this way:
So then the for can iterate the data as an array to swap some bits and then the structured data is copied on the DB
Last info of the structure used to communicate with #Malisko !L24_L23 Empty Bottle Conveyor Communication.xlsx
Steps for the changeover: !Changeover process map v1.xlsx